As summer kicks off, a yearly visitor to the Stuttgart area has made appearances at some USAG Stuttgart installations. The Oak Processionary Moth caterpillar is a hairy caterpillar common to central and southern Europe may be hazardous to your health, though taking a few precautions cangreatly reduce any risk of irritation or other problems.Read More

By Lt. Col. Twyla Leigh
U.S. Army Public Health Command

It’s been a long day at the office. Caffeine and sugar are calling your name. Before you head for a vending machine, consider that the additional 140 calories from a 12-ounce can of soda and 220 calories from a candy bar, if consumed on most work days, will create a weight gain of 25 pounds per year.Read More

It’s that time of year again: Festive music fills the air, fireplaces crackle and holiday cheer abounds. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? Read More

Did you know that June is Men’s Health Month? If you are a man, you have most likely seen a doctor out of necessity, but when confronted with specific questions about men’s health, you may have some shortcomings.Read More