Brain injuries occur outside of combat, as well as within. Service
members and their families, children and the elderly are at risk for
traumatic brain injury.Read More

Every time a service member is killed or wounded in combat, it sets off
a process aimed at identifying what happened, who perpetrated it and
how it might have been prevented — and instituting changes to reduce
the likelihood of it being repeated.Read More

New policy authorizes access from non-classified government computers, with caveats
Read More

Love at first site?Perhaps not, but it was definitely the Internet highway that put Chris
and Carolyn Wong, married for two years in June, on the path to
romance.Read More

On Oct. 8, some 1,950 children in the Stuttgart military community
opened the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar,” by Eric Carle, and read
it from cover to cover in hopes of not only learning about hungry
caterpillars, but helping to set a world record for reading.Read More