“Anyone can carry his burden, however hard until nightfall; anyone can do his work however hard for one day.” Read More

Keeping a secret that defines you, that has shaped your life for nearly three years now and is sure to shape the rest, a secret that you go to sleep with every night and wake to every morning is sometimes hard to keep trapped inside.Read More

This month, Jonathan Martin, an offensive lineman on the Miami Dolphins football team, walked out and quit the team due to a perceived hostile work environment allegedly characterized by demeaning, racially-biased communications and financial extortion by at least one team captain and other senior members of the team. Read More

You live amongst a web of deceit. In the last 24 hours, in a world where nearly eight billion computers, smart phones and other assorted devices are connected to the Internet, almost 300 billion emails were sent. On average, most people receive about 80 emails a day, and 60 toRead More

It can be difficult to talk about sex and sexual assault. However, it is a valuable conversation that must be had in order to reduce the rate of the crime and the impact it has on both the victims and society. In order to have an effective discussion about sexual assault, we must first address the numerous myths surrounding the topic.Read More

On June 14, 1775, our nation’s leaders established the Continental Army, beginning a rich heritage of successfully defending our great country and its citizens. American Soldiers have fought in ten wars, from the American Revolution through the Cold War, the Gulf War and the current operations taking place around the world.Read More

This month Americans around the world will pause to observe Memorial Day.
its first official proclamation as Decoration Day on May 5, 1868, and
its first observance on May 30, 1868, it has been a day of remembrance
for those who sacrificed and died in our nation’s service.Read More

During a recent visit to U.S. Army Europe, Army Chief of Staff Gen.
Raymond Odierno highlighted the need for Soldiers to focus on the moral
and ethical values that make the Army such a strong team.Read More

Raise your hand if you like doing laundry.  Hello, anyone?  
you’re part of the 1 percent of the population that finds this chore
therapeutic, you’re with me and the other 99 percent that just want to
get it done.
So it’s established that doing laundry isn’t fun, but
for those of you that have the ability to knock it out at home…at least
you have that.Read More