by USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs
Col. Jason Condrey, USAG Stuttgart commander, has announced several expansions of service in response to the needs of the Stuttgart military community. Unless otherwise noted, changes take effect immediately.
Please note that all existing COVID-prevention requirements — including mask wear, hand washing/sanitizing, and physical distancing — must be observed while utilizing these facilities. Delays may occur due to the limitations on the number of customers allowed in at once, so your patience is requested and appreciated.
Family & MWR reopens several services
Outdoor Recreation on Kelley Barracks and the Patch Library will reopen starting Tuesday, May 5.
Both services will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday-Friday, with a limit of one customer in the facility at a time.
The retail section of the Patch Arts and Crafts store will also reopen on May 5, from which point the store will operate Tuesday-Thursday from 12:00 p.m. (noon) to 5:00 p.m.
These join several other MWR facilities with recent reopenings or expansions of service:
The Patch and Kelley car wash facilities, as well as Panzer Auto Skills/Speedy Lube for limited services — check the Family and MWR updates page for details.
The UTAP office is open for appointments on Wednesdays only. Call ahead at DSN 596-3452/3366/3453 or CIV 09641-70-596-3452/3366/3453.
The VAT Office is open on Wednesdays and Fridays by appointment ONLY. VAT forms are being issued for all purposes. Call to make an appointment Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Call DSN 596-3678 or CIV 09641-70-596-3678.
Be sure to follow the MWR Facebook page and website for updates.
Community Mail Rooms (Package Pickup) hours extended
Package pickup at community mail rooms on all installations (Kelley, Panzer, Patch and Robinson) are now open additional hours as follows:
GROUP-ASSIGNED Weekdays: 10:00am-1:00pm and 3:30pm-5:30pm
GROUP-ASSIGNED Weekends: 9:30am-3:30pm
Checking a mailbox without picking up a package can be done anytime without regard to assigned days.
Panzer Main Exchange institutes Curbside Pickup

High-risk individuals, single caretakers, and others with difficulty shopping for themselves and their families (plus those with urgent needs) can now take advantage of the “Curbside Shopping” extension of the existing Buy Online, Pickup in Store program.
Editor’s note: this page has been edited to remove mention of different operating hours at the Main Exchange.