Summer campers learned how to “Go Green” during Child, Youth and School
Services’ Camp Adventure program. Children grew and harvested their own
vegetables, went on nature walks and learned to recycle, at camps held
from June 16 to Aug. 25 at the school age and youth centers on Robinson,
Kelley and Patch Barracks, and Panzer Kaserne. 
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The Patch Library concluded its summer reading program with reading
awards, participation prizes and an ice cream social on Aug. 7. With a
theme of “Reading is So Delicious,” the program was designed to spark
the literary appetites of young readers at 250 military installations
across the globe.

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As a military community, we are continuously reminded of the threat of a
terrorist attack — on television, on the radio, in newspapers and on
the web.
We hear, see and read public service announcements about
the need to remain vigilant almost every day, and every year, we —
service members, civilians, contractors, even dependents 14 years of age
and older — are required to take Antiterrorism Awareness training.
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Since the release of the Department of Defense July 2012 suicide report,
stories on suicide have been published almost daily. In the July 23
edition of Time Magazine, the article “The War on Suicide” said no
program, outreach or initiative has worked in reducing the upsurge in
Army suicides; Soldiers aren’t seeking care due to the stigma associated
with mental illness, and no one knows why nothing works.
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Navy Lt. Brad Snyder may have lost his sight after an improvised
explosive device attack in Afghanistan last September, but he hasn’t
lost his vision … a vision of himself atop a podium sporting Olympic

After one bomb went off, Snyder rushed to aid his comrades,
and in the process, stepped on another. Snyder, 28, spent three weeks
in intensive care, followed by five more recovering at home.Read More