New defense-wide performance appraisal program

Based on TACOM LCMC staff reports

The new DoD Performance Management and Appraisal Program, known as DPMAP or New Beginnings, is a standardized Defense-wide performance and appraisal program set to begin this year. Although the terms DPMAP and New Beginnings are used interchangeably, New Beginnings encompasses reforms in the areas of hiring flexibilities, training and development, and workforce incentives. DPMAP is an initiative under New Beginnings.

All Army Materiel Command employees at the GS-13 through GS-15 pay grades will join the system in July 2017; GS-12 and below, and Federal Wage System employees and supervisors will join in November 2017; and Wage Grade employees will join by July 2018.

Employees can find more information about the program via the New Beginnings website: