Story and photos by John Reese
USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs
Teamwork and great weather intersected for the “Ready & Resilient Healthy Lifestyle” event in the parking lot of the Panzer Main Exchange, April 27.

“This kind of training is experiential – people are doing something in a way that helps them to remember it,” said Cinda Robison, prevention coordinator, USAG Stuttgart Army Substance Abuse Program. “People are more likely to remember events like this, for them to be stored in their long-term memory.
“This was a lot of fun in the sun. 1st Sgt. Anthony Hopkins was actually doing wheelies in a go-cart, which I didn’t even know was possible, and then he decided to ride (the course) backwards,” Robison said. “Experiential learning is what was happening.”

The event, sponsored by the USAG Stuttgart’s Army Substance Abuse Program and Sexual Harrassment/Assault Response and Prevention program, was to emphasize Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month. It was well supported by garrison organizations such as the American Red Cross, the Army Health Clinic-Stuttgart, the Army Criminal Investigation Division, the garrison’s Directorate of Human Resources and more. The Stuttgart USO Center team of volunteers grilled complimentary burgers and dogs, and a huge donated cake provided dessert.
Service member and civilian participants from the Stuttgart military community received hands-on-the-wheel training for Alcohol Awareness and Sexual Assault Awareness Prevention Month under a robin’s egg blue sky. Information tables flanked the main interest for those gathered: A difficult slalom course of safety cones to be pedaled, for time, wearing drunk driving goggles.

“This actual experience prevention is working,” said Dr. Kaffie Clark, program coordinator, USAG Stuttgart Employee Assistance Program. “We are seeing those who look stellar, who have worked out and are fit, but are struggling with a small, small barrier to completion.”
Training credit was authorized for participating in the SHARP (tablet) training modules, Clark said.
“And if they pedaled the go-kart with the DUI goggles, they receive ASAP training credit,” she said.
If you need to report a sexual assault, call the garrison SHARP office at
431-3656/3227 or 07031-15-3656/3327. For the 24/7 hotline, call 431-3141/4841/7280, 07031-3141/4841/7280 or 0631-413-
For questions about garrison ASAP resources and services, call 431-2530.
For more information and resources, visit here or here.
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