Some questions arose about the current the re-opening of FMWR services. Here are some answers to help.
Child and Youth Services:
Why is CYS only opening the Panzer and Kelley II CDCs?
With current additional health and safety requirements in place, CYS is only capable of opening those two facilities for childcare. The number of childcare spaces has been reduced to align with health and safety measures to mitigate the risks of COVID-19. If we had opened Patch CDC (a remodeled dental clinic) instead of Panzer CDC, the size of the facility and the design of the playground would have reduced the number of children placed in care by 10 and cut the amount of outside playtime in half.
Why isn’t CYS opening a School-Age Program?
We are opening school-age programs, but the staffing requirements and facility designs require us to open facilities with combined CDC and SAC options under the same roof. As we are able to expand, we will let demand determine if we grow another combined option or if by opening one of our SACs, we can provide care for more children.
Why is CYS limiting the personal items I can send to care for my child?
The CYS facilities are High Risk programs and as such we are taking extra precautions to limit cross-contamination and to ease the disinfection of the items coming into care. These precautions are to help mitigate the risk factors for children and staff in the programs.
How were families selected for childcare?
All Commands / Mission Partners were provided a roster for review with a percentage of available childcare spaces. Based upon their return to work plans, Commands / Mission Partners identified their Mission Critical personnel with childcare needs.
When will more childcare spaces be available?
CYS will continue to review space utilization along with health and safety measures to potentially increase number of childcare spaces. Additionally, CYS is actively recruiting childcare workers to meet mission requirements. As measures allow CYS to deliver more childcare spaces, CYS will inform the community.
Fitness Centers:
What has changed in our fitness centers?
- Capacity – based upon Host Nation and Public Health Guidance, each space has been assessed for capacity based upon the type of workout performed inside of it. (Patch: 70 patrons, Kelley: 50 patrons, Panzer: 33 patrons, Robinson: 15 patrons)
- To enable use of cardio equipment, it has been relocated to our large gym floors
- Locker rooms and showers are closed. One male/female latrine will be open to patrons
- Masks are required during workouts. Without masks, our patron capacity reduces.
- There are increased individual cleaning requirements for the equipment you use and increased staff and custodial cleaning requirements.
- To trace any possible infection spread, detailed patron tracking with names and contact information will be required
Why are showers and locker rooms off limits?
At this time, B-W is not authorizing the use of locker rooms and requires patrons to show up in workout attire.
Why are there patron limits in the rooms?
We are following the distancing requirements directed by B-W and Public Health Commands. We have arranged equipment to maximize the use of our space.
Who is going to monitor the facility rules?
MWR staff will be walking the facility reminding customers of the rules, due to limited staffing and other
Requirements. We are also asking customers to help remind each other to follow the rules in order to keep a safe workout environment. Please do a head count when you enter the room to ensure you do not exceed the limit.
Why are hours limited?
With the requirement to obtain detailed patron information and maintain patron limits in each room, the hours are based upon the maximum range we can provide fitness center staff to clean and facilitate access. We have implemented hourly blocks to ensure service members are able to meet mission needs around duty requirements. We have also designated hours for general community use and for additional cleaning. We will continue to look for ways to increase access.
How do I sign up?
We have coordinated with units to conduct scheduling for the windows they have requested to meet physical readiness requirements. Depending upon the installation and the COVID work schedules, the hours for unit training sessions vary. Community member access may be possible during those windows and will be on a first come/first serve basis.
Layout Plan For Each Fitness Center

Galaxy Bowling Center
How do I know that I can be safe while bowling during COVID19?
The staff at the GBC will disinfect bowling balls, rental shoes as well as the bowler’s area after use. Customers will leave the bowling balls on the lanes after use, turn in rental shoes for disinfectant cleaning. The lane area to be sprayed and wiped down after use to include the lane monitor.
Can I bring my children to bowl and are their special restrictions?
Yes, however due to COVID19 restrictions children must stay with the parents. Children will not be allowed to roam freely as in the past. Children age 6 and older must wear a mask.
Why can I not sit more than two (2) individuals at any one time at the tables?
Families are the exception, however tables will not be adjoined to create additional seating. COVID19 guidelines will be adhered to.
I have three children and a family pass for my family. How does the Kids Bowl Free program work with the rental lane process?
The “Kids Bowl Free” program will be honored from the date we open until the 31st of August. Children get two games free per day as well as parents if they signed up. KBF participants will be issued a lane and will be the exception of the rent a lane program.
Will I have to provide my personal information when visiting the GBC?
Yes, Due to COVID19 we have to be able to track anyone that enters the building. Only exception are people that order “take out”. Information collected will be: Name, telephone number, date/time, lane number if bowling and table number if using GBC tables.