Courtesy of DoDEA Europe Schools Public Affairs Office

SEMBACH, GERMANY — In direct and close coordination with senior military partners, the decision was made to keep school buildings closed to students for the remainder of the 2019/2020 school year and to maintain digital teaching and learning in all DoDEA schools across Europe.
While our schools will remain closed, our teachers and administrators will continue to work diligently to maintain our digital learning programs in order to ensure continuity of education for our amazing students. These programs continue to evolve and differ slightly for each community and school, but the goal is the same: provide “Excellence in Education for Every Student, Every Day, Everywhere”.
We know that this decision is disappointing to our staff, students and families alike.
The COVID 19 pandemic continues to affect every community across the European theater. While some host nations are making decisions to slowly open up aspects of their economies, given the relatively short amount of time remaining in the current school year, DoDEA and military leadership agree that this was the prudent decision for our schools. The health and safety or our staff, students and communities is our highest priority.
This is obviously an incredibly challenging, frustrating and concerning time for all of us.
Watching our teachers, students and communities come together to ensure continuity of education for our military-connected students in these challenging circumstances has been incredibly inspiring. Please continue to work diligently and cohesively to ensure that we build upon our successes to this point
Communication, moving forward, will be critical to ensuring the maintenance and evolution of these digital learning programs. Please feel free to communicate all needs and concerns related to these programs to your teachers and principals. This type of feedback is important to the education process.
Thank you again for your continued support and diligence.
Click here for more information regarding DoDEA’s response to COVID 19.