By Holly DeCarlo-White
USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs
U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart’s new commander, Col. Neal Corson, addressed the garrison workforce during the first of three town hall meetings on July 25 at Panzer Kaserne.
After providing a personal introduction to his background, Corson recognized a number of garrison employees for their outstanding service to the garrison and community and then outlined his initial priorities to continue to grow the garrison’s strategic plan over the next two years of his term.
Corson congratulated the garrison team for winning the Army Community of Excellence gold in 2017 and stated he plans to continue the focus on improving processes, logically, focusing first on on-boarding, performance, and employee recognition.
“We take care of people. In this community, it is one big garrison family, and I am here to take care of you and our mission partners,” said Corson to the workforce on Panzer Kaserne.
The garrison command team of Corson, Heidi Malarchik, deputy to the garrison commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Mariano Alvarez also dedicated a portion of the meeting to introduce and sign the Installation Management Command’s new Service Culture Initiative campaign pledges for leadership and for customer service.
“It’s about leadership and what it means to be a leader or a supervisor, and to take care of your people,” Corson said.
Malarchik compared the IMCOM pledge to what the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance meant, “to reinforce some things we sometimes forget.”
“Everyone in here is a professional, but also a leader,” Malarchik continued. “If you are in a room full of people, you can be a leader, by your actions and by your words.”
She then highlighted the line of the pledge, which states: IMCOM Leaders will provide our team members the same concern, respect and caring attitude that we expect them to share with our customers – service members, families, civilians and retirees.
Both the leadership and customer signed pledges will be displayed throughout garrison facilities as a reminder to leadership, the workforce and customers of the expectation of the two pledges.
From customers, Alvarez and Corson noted the importance of soliciting and receiving customer feedback. “Feedback is a gift,” said Corson. The Interactive Customer Evaluation or ICE system will remain the primary portal for customer comments, praise and suggestions reviewed by the command team.
Corson opened the floor to employees for their feedback, suggestions and challenges he should be aware of as he settles into the role as the garrison commander.
Learn more about the Service Culture Initiative from IMCOM Europe Director Michael Formica here or in the message from Lt. Gen. Kenneth R. Dahl below: