By Helen Wise
Stuttgart Army Health Clinic TRICARE
Complete the TRICARE portability form which provides the necessary information to put you and your family in the Permanent Change of Station mode. A copy of orders is required.
Turn in form and orders no earlier than one month before leaving the country. Be accurate about departure date, do not turn in the form if fly-out tickets have not been issued.
Active duty will remain enrolled for 60 days from departure of their last duty assignment, to ensure coverage during the PCS. Retirees are covered until their retirement date.
For emergency care, go to the nearest military or civilian emergency room – prior approval is not required.
Non-emergency care requires prior authorization from your military treatment facility.
People must enroll at their next duty station, transfer is not automatic.
For more information on moving with TRICARE, visit: http://www.tricare.mil/Moving.