Garrison Safety, Security offices and phone numbers changed

Bldg. 2948, Panzer Kaserne, home to the garrison Safety and Security offices. Photo by John Reese, USAG Stuttgart Public Affairs

The Installation Safety Office has moved to Bldg. 2948, rooms 302, 301 and 320, Panzer Kaserne. Its updated phone numbers are:

•Safety Manager: 431-3832
•LN Safety Specialist: 431-3132/3133
•Safety Specialist: 431-3134

Concurrently, the garrison USAG Security Office in the same building moved on the same floor to Rm. 303. Its new phone numbers are:

•Security Manager:  596-2008 or 0611143-596-2008
•Security Assistant:  596-2013 or 0611143-596-2013