Host Nation Update, Dec. 21, 2022
Esslingen district – Shortage of children’s medicines: Pharmacies alarmed
Corona, flu, RS virus: The wave of illnesses is also hitting the Esslingen district. But especially for children, there are hardly any medicines left to alleviate the symptoms. There is an acute shortage of fever juice, suppositories and cough medicine in pharmacies in the district. Some pharmacists are now producing their own medicines, but this is not an option for everyone. Pharmacist Christof Mühlschlegel runs a total of four pharmacies in Esslingen, including the pharmacy at the theater in the city center. He speaks of a disaster: “I have never experienced anything like this in my career.” Mühlschlegel has worked as a pharmacist for more than 30 years and, as regional chairman in the state pharmacists’ association, is responsible for the Esslingen and Göppingen districts. The shortages of medicines in general are already severe, but the effects on children’s medicines are even more dramatic, says Mühlschlegel. For the little ones in particular, it is almost impossible to switch to alternative preparations. On the one hand, because there are only very few suppliers for these drugs, on the other hand, because the dosage form is decisive. Babies and toddlers, for example, cannot be given tablets because they cannot swallow them and the dosage is far too high. However, there are hardly any fever-control juices and suppositories for children left, and there is also a shortage of cough syrups and antibiotics. He says he knows from many other pharmacies that they are struggling with the same situation – and has therefore already written a fire letter to the state and federal health ministers, as well as to Minister President Kretschmann. According to Miller, there are certainly ways to defuse the situation. Both long-term, such as reducing dependence on products from Asia, and short-term, such as making it easier for pharmacies to exchange medicines with each other. Ultimately, he said, the population must also be made aware of the current situation: Medicines should only be procured when they are really needed. It makes sense to stock up on the most important preparations, but hoarding purchases is counterproductive. Some people would then have their medicines lying unused in the cupboard, while others urgently needed them. (Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Dec 21)
Baden-Württemberg 2023 – What will be important in the coming year
2023 promises to be an exciting year in the southwest. At the beginning of the year, after the mandatory COVID break, Fasching street parades are planned again.
For the first time since the beginning of the COVID pandemic it will take place like in the past: the Swabian-Allemannic Fasnet.
After long negotiations, as of March 1, the Baden-Württemberg state government wants to introduce the “Jugendticket” or youth ticket. All buses and regional trains in the state will then be available to young people for one euro a day. Schoolchildren, trainees, students and people on voluntary social service will be entitled to the 365-euro annual ticket – as long as they are not older than 27. Children and young people can use public transport at reduced rates until they reach the age of 21. The ticket is valid for all transport associations in the southwest. Except for Long-distance transport.
On November 19, the constitution of Baden-Württemberg will be 70 years old. It came into force on this date in 1953, giving the state its official name. The constitution sets the rules and laws for democracy. It was adopted by a majority vote of the state assembly and celebrated with a grand act of state. The state of Baden-Württemberg had been founded a year earlier, on April 25, 1952. (Stgt Nachrichten, Dec 21)
Stuttgart region – Fighter jets fly with sonic boom
On Wednesday morning, some walls shook in the region: shortly before 10 o’clock, there was a violent sonic boom. It was caused by fighter jets that had taken off from Neuburg an der Donau in Bavaria. Relevant websites that allow tracking of such flights show that one of the planes, coming from Günzburg and Heidenheim, flew a loop over Lorch. From there, the flight headed south again via Göppingen and Ulm. The sonic boom caused by the fighter aircraft was heard mainly in the eastern Stuttgart area, such as the Rems-Murr district. At times, the aircraft was flying at 40,000 feet, which is equivalent to more than 12,000 meters. Our newspaper started inquiring with the aviation office of the German Federal Armed Forces, and it is possible that the aircraft was a plane intended to simulate an enemy fighter. Shortly thereafter, other jets took off from Neuburg and took up the pursuit. (Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Dec 21)
Christmas carol singing at the “Wettbachplatz” in Sindelfingen on Friday at 5 p.m.
On Friday, December 23, Wettbachplatz will once again be the meeting place for everyone who wants to get in the mood for Christmas together: At 5 p.m., the seventh Sindelfingen Christmas carol singing begins.
At the joyful event, children and adults are cordially invited to sing along. The busy singers will be accompanied by the trumpet ensemble Trumpet Power and the rhythm section of the Sindelfingen School of Music, Theater and Dance (SMTT).
The Christmas caroling event, which has already become a tradition, is organized by City-Marketing Sindelfingen. Visitors will receive the lyrics of the Christmas carols on site. Those who already have one from previous years are asked to bring their songbook. For a cozy warm-up, mulled wine and children’s punch will be offered. (BB.heute.de, Dec 21)
Red Cross in the Böblingen district – Blood donations “we need more”
Busy but routine hustle and bustle prevails on Tuesday afternoon at the blood donation appointment in the foyer of the Sindelfingen City Hall. All twelve couches are occupied at the beginning almost continuously and from the arm bends of the donors and flows over cannulas and tubes in each case a half liter of the red life juice into the bags placed underneath. Around 150 volunteers end up giving their blood to save the lives of others. “I wish there were more.” Registration, donor support and afterwards catering in the form of drinks, pretzels, apples and sweets – Roland Brauner and the others gladly perform these tasks every other month to the satisfaction of many loyal ‘customers’. “Currently, many are sick,” Roland Brauner suspects as the reason for the absence of one or the other. On February 13, 2023, traditionally again a Monday, all donors are again invited to the next blood drive in the town hall. Nevertheless, the appeal of the Red Cross remains unaffected: A high blood donor readiness is of elementary importance for the supply of the clinics. (Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Dec 21)
absence of one or the other. On February 13, 2023, traditionally again a Monday, all donors are again invited to the next od drive in the town hall. Nevertheless, the appeal of the Red Cross remains unaffected: A high blood donor readiness is of elementary importance for the supply of the clinics. (Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Dec 21)