By Tommy Thomson
Assistant Principal, Stuttgart Elementary School
From 1–3 p.m., Friday, Aug. 23, Stuttgart Elementary School will host a meet and greet in the schools’ multipurpose room.
Parents will find seven tables set up with smiling Griffin educators. Look above the tables to see letters that will correspond with your student(s) last name. These are the tables parents need to visit; just state your students’ full name and you’ll receive a personalized school map and information sheet. The school representative will draw out the path on the map you’ll need to take to your class(es). Easy peasy.
For parents of our Kindergarten students –
Your student will not start school on Aug. 26 like everyone else. Kinder students start school on either September 3 or 4. Half of the class will start on each of these days and then all students will be together from Sept. 5 and forward. Your teacher will inform you which day, 3rd or 4th, that they will attend. At Friday’s meet & greet, you will sign up for a home visit with your child’s teacher. If you’re unable to come, the teacher will contact you to set up an appropriate time day to visit your home. The home visits will happen the week of Aug. 26–30. If for some reason you cannot accommodate a home visit that week, the teacher will work out a separate conference with you at home or school to go over all the great things that will happen this year.
Keep in mind our event on Friday is teacher meet & greet and supply drop-off opportunity. We will have an open house (stand by on the date) when teachers will give you a more detailed explanation of classroom procedures and specific information for the school year. Friday is just to say “howdy” and eliminate those first day jitters.
Speaking of the first day…
On Monday, Aug. 26, the magic starts. The MPR doors will open at 7:45 for our 1st though 5th grade students to begin the school year. Although we’ll have signs and helpers to direct, here is a rule we ask all students to remember throughout the year:
Kindergarten (beginning Sep. 5th) , First and Fifth grade students enter the MPR through door next to the high school or the “stage” side. These students will line up every morning in the MPR.
Second through Fourth grade students will enter through the elementary side door (by Mr. Wagner’s music room). These students will proceed to the gym for morning line up.
There will be signs on the stage and walls indicating the classes where students should line up. Teachers will also be there to help everyone, especially our non-readers.
Keep the questions coming … looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday.