RBES celebrates Constitution Day

RBES 5th grader Maddie Wiemer learns how to navigate a classroom using a wheelchair as part of “Uniquely Abled Citizenship Day.” Photo by Kerri Wiemer

By Janis Renninger
Robinson Barracks Elementary School

Students at Robinson Barracks Elementary School recently celebrated Constitution Day by participating in an “Uniquely Abled Citizenship Day.”

The 3rd-5th grade students explored the rights that all Americans share as a diverse people. The focus of the afternoon was to improve student awareness of disability rights and to develop sensitivity towards individuals with disabilities.  The goal was to learn about a variety of disabling conditions and to see the unique strengths and talents that individuals have despite having a physical, sensory, mental, learning, intellectual or developmental disabilities.

Awareness, sensitivity and empathy building are critical steps in bullying prevention. The special education professionals of RBES and the surrounding Stuttgart schools, through the use of rotating educational sessions the students, exposed the students to a variety of lessons about various visible and invisible disabilities, such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cerebral palsy, blindness, and speech impairments.

Students learn about individuals with speech difficulties from Terry Claus, RBES Speech Language-Pathologist. Photo by Kerri Wiemer

Students also got the experience of learning about service animals, wheelchair mobility and sessions dedicated to improving communication with individuals with disabilities.

Creating a sense of understanding was a theme throughout all of the student sessions. Through the “Uniquely Abled Citizenship Day” the RBES students learned how the Constitution is a living document protecting all of all citizens every day.