Practicing good operational security helps to keep military members and their families safe.

It is important to safeguard information about our troops. Sensitive information can be critical to the success of a terrorist or spy, and consequently, deadly to Americans.

The OPSEC guidelines are simple.

Never talk about military movements. This includes deployments, redeployments, missions and training exercises. Troop movements, whether stateside or overseas, should never be discussed.

Troop movement dates should never be released. Be aware that “next Tuesday,” “next week” or “in nine days” all constitute releasing dates and are a violation of OPSEC.

Never give specific locations.

While many military units allow family members and friends to know the country where the military members are serving, specific locations within that country should not be released.

To say a Soldier is in Iraq or Afghanistan is acceptable. To release the name of the camp he or she is at is not.

Always practice OPSEC, especially online. OPSEC violations are more prevalent online than anywhere else.

 Many postings on message boards, social network sites and blogs can easily violate operational security. Family members should be especially watchful of what information they place on these networking sites.

Always be aware of pieces to the puzzle.

Though a service member may have released very little information in his or her last blog or message board post, a quick glance through the poster’s history on that site could reveal pertinent information needed to complete the puzzle, such as unit name or location. It is easy to fit together the puzzle pieces online.
Be careful of what you discuss and with whom.

Handle any attempt by unauthorized personnel to solicit sensitive or critical information as a subversion and espionage incident.

Report all facts immediately to Stuttgart Military Counterintelligence Detachment at 430-4702/civ. 0711-680-4702, or after hours to civ. 0162-296-7230; or the Military Police at 430-5162/civ. 0711-680-5262.

Many postings on message boards, social network sites and blogs can easily violate operational security.