USAG Stuttgart Directorate of Human Resources – Central Processing Facility
Travel to Stuttgart
Sponsors of incoming personnel should be aware that all personnel assigned to Panzer Kaserne, Kelley Barracks, Patch Barracks, Robinson Barracks, Stuttgart Army Airfield, or the International Training Center-Pfullendorf should fly directly into Stuttgart Airport (STR). Their officially assigned unit/agency sponsor should pick up arriving personnel. Military personnel and accompanying family members arriving at Ramstein Air Base will proceed via bus directly to Stuttgart after arriving the same day. The CPF will call the Service Member’s receiving unit after being notified by the Ramstein Gateway Reception Center of their arrival.
Upon Arrival
All DoD Civilians and Service Members in the rank of Private (E-1) through Colonel (O-6), including those in the Reserve/National Guard components on Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS) orders over 180 days in length assigned, attached, or otherwise performing duty in Stuttgart, will contact the CPF to start virtual in-processing. Civilian employees initially report to the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC). Unit-assigned sponsors can now direct incoming military and DoD civilian personnel to contact the CPF before departure from their home station. It is extremely important that newcomers maintain constant communication with their assigned sponsor throughout the PCS process.
Note: Army personnel (E-1 through O-6) on Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS), ADOS-Reserve Component, or mobilization orders for 90 or more days are required to completely in-process at the start of the order through the nearest military installation transition point.
Upon arrival, or perhaps even before, incoming personnel will then need to make appointments with selected agencies using the USAG Stuttgart App or by booking online at https://www.stuttgartcitizen.com/appointments/.
Depending on your needs, these appointments may include:
- Housing
- Vehicle Inspection
- Vehicle Registration
- Driver’s Testing/Licensing
- Passports/SOFA cards
- ID Cards
Hybrid In-Processing
The USAG Stuttgart Central Processing Facility (CPF) will be your one-stop virtual in-processing center. Newcomers will be scheduled for an innovative hybrid Virtual In-Processing experience even before arrival. This hybrid setting allows incoming
personnel more control over the pace of their individualized in-processing. Customers will complete most of the virtual in-processing with a simple internet connection and web links, directing them to the briefs and mandatory training.
All incoming personnel (or their sponsor) must complete the Joint In-Processing Needs Assessment. Please refer to the CPF section on the official U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart webpage (home.army.mil/stuttgart) to access the needs assessment. Once the CPF receives the Needs Assessment via email, a customer will receive an email containing:
- CPF overview of the schedule
- Personalized In-processing checklist with links to begin training
Virtual In-Processing Briefings
Begin the virtual portion of the hybrid module by watching the “Mandatory Briefs” (YouTube videos), which can also be found on the USAG Stuttgart app under the “Services/PCS” button. Next, complete the “Mandatory Trainings” by clicking or pasting the web links on your mobile device or computer.
In Person Briefings
Selected briefings in person are conducted on a bi-weekly basis. Day 1 in-processing is based upon the newcomer’s arrival. The in-processing schedule will vary based upon which day the newcomer start but all personnel will receive the following core services in-person: CPF, Chaplain, Housing, Transportation, Medical, TRICARE, Army Finance, as well as an assortment of other briefings for our joint community.
Driver’s License Training and Testing
All personnel assigned to Germany must have a USAREUR driver’s license before renting, driving, or registering a vehicle on post. Personnel must complete the online U.S. Forces Driver’s Training Program for Europe through Joint Knowledge Online at https://jkodirect.jten.mil/ (in the course catalog, course USA 007 for practice and USA 007B for the final exam).
Then, make an appointment with the Driver Training office, located on Panzer Kaserne, on the third floor of Bldg. 2913. Normal business hours are 7:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. and 1-3:45 p.m., Monday-Friday. Closed on German and U.S. federal holidays, as well as Thursday mornings for training. Call (0) 9641-70-596-2007, or 314-596-2007 from DSN lines only, with any questions.
Note: The test can be completed no earlier than 60 days prior to arrival for both SM and family members.
Central Processing Facility
The CPF is located on Panzer Kaserne, on the first floor of Bldg. 2913. Normal business hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. Our office is closed on U.S. federal holidays and on the last Thursday of each month (from 1-4 p.m.) for training.
Please contact the CPF at DSN 314-596-2599 or CIV +49 (0)9641 70-596-2599 or email us at usarmy.stuttgart.id-europe.mbx.cpf-in-processing@army.mil.