U.S. Army Europe conducted a week-long event, June 17-21, which focused on response to and prevention of sexual harassment and assault.
“Sexual harassment and assault is an ‘insider threat.’ It is destroying our Army and breaking down the trust and confidence of the American people in our institution,” said Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr., commanding general of USAREUR. “The prevention of sexual assault is critical to maintaining an effective fighting force,”
“We must live the Army core values because it is our code of conduct, and I expect all USAREUR personnel to live by this code on and off duty,” he added.

Soldiers of the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command in Kaiserslautern listen as Sgt. 1st Class Stanley Quin, the Sexual Assault Response coordinator for 10th AAMDC, discusses how to prevent sexual harassment and sexual assault June 21.
During the event, Soldiers and civilians across Europe conducted small-group, leader led discussions that gave them the opportunity to talk about the issue of sexual assault and harassment in the Army today. The group also discussed how to prevent harassment and assaults, what to do when it happens, and how the Army core values apply to preventing the ‘insider threat.’
“You have to counsel. If you want to develop trust, don’t let the first time you talk to a Soldier be when he’s standing in front of you after he’s already in trouble,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Sean J. Rice, USAREUR Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion command sergeant major.
According to the operation order directing the training, the goal of the week-long event was to prevent any further assaults, improve the health and discipline of the force, enhance awareness and utilization of available SHARP resources and promote immediate intervention to prevent sexual assault.
“My plan is to address new Soldiers, whether it’s officers or enlisted, and really educate them on a change of culture,” said Lt. Col. Aaron C. Barta, who became the new commander of USAREUR’s Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion June 20. “I will do my best to get Soldiers in the resiliency training because it is an investment in Soldiers.”
For information and resources in the fight against sexual harassment and assault, visit the U.S. Army Europe website at www.eur.army.mil/SHARP/.