Story and photos by John Gerhart
Patch Ski Club
The Patch Ski Club is a social club focused on outdoor sports and exploring all the opportunities skiing in Europe has to offer.

The members meet twice a month for club socials, to network, sign-up for trips and meet other people with common interests. It also offers trip opportunities such as ski and snowboard holidays, as well as golfing, biking, rafting and other weekends in the Alps and surrounding areas. There are more than 20 trips scheduled annually. These trips also include non-skiing adventures in the spring and summer. The trips feature various packages with lessons, glacier skiing, apre ski, biking and alpine adventures.
“My husband and I joined the ski club two years ago to meet fellow ski enthusiasts and to go to cool places,” said Joan Wollenbecker, a veteran member of the club. “The ski resorts have been fabulous, the bike trip down the Mosel river and river rafting in Munich were great, not to mention Fruhlingfest, Volksfest, and the Strasbourg Wine Festival.”
The ski trips are a great way to expand your adventures in Europe, create memories with families and to make friends.

“We’ve met a wide variety of people that include people from all the commands assigned to Stuttgart,” Wollenbecker said. “ It’s just been a great club to meet new people and explore new places.”
Trip captains can answer questions and provide detailed information over email or at the club social events in Stuttgart.
“I joined ski club to spend Christmas in the Italian Alps with my family. Since then, I’ve skied some really awesome places in six different European countries with fantastic people from throughout the Stuttgart community,” said new member Robin Bruce. “I’ve enjoyed going to the festivals and meeting up for our monthly club socials. I also see the socials as a good excuse to eat dinner out with friends and family.”
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