“The Originals” dining facility will serve a superb Thanksgiving meal, 11 a.m.–2 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 26.
The 2019 theme is Circus Soleil. Even now, the DFAC has curtained off a section of the dining area with a sign telling diners not to peak.
You name it, they serve it–turkey, slow roasted steamship beef, whole pork, seafood, all of the trimmings and multiple desserts–see the menu below. The team of Army chefs just completed more culinary training and are ready to pull out all the stops.
The cost for this family-friendly dining is $6.80 for family members of junior enlisted E-4 and below, youth groups such as the Girl or Boy Scouts, Civil Air Patrol and JROTC; the standard rate of $9.10 applies to pretty much everyone else.
No reservations required. In preparation for the big meal, no breakfast will be served Nov. 26.