Information provided by U.S. Army Health Clinic Stuttgart
Stuttgart Community,
To ensure the broadest inclusion and correctly identify our most at-risk populations for COVID-19, we are asking community members to indicate their intent to receive COVID-19 vaccine and share relevant health information. This information will help the clinic prioritize those most at-risk. To collect and capture this information, the Army Health Clinic Stuttgart and U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart are asking family members to complete a screening questionnaire as soon as possible.
At this time, we are requesting screening forms from all community family members and retirees regardless of enrolled or non-enrolled to AHC Stuttgart who fall into these two categories:
– ages 50 and above
– ages 18 – 49 with a chronic health condition that could put them at increased risk for COVID 19
AHC Stuttgart in collaboration with the AFRICOM Surgeon cell will process and review all family member and retiree high risk medical screening forms submitted by February 9, 2021. (Update: forms continue to be processed as they are received, even after this date)
The priority list created from this self-declared demand signal will be utilized for future calls as the vaccine becomes available for administration. If you are uncertain whether or not submit a form, please go ahead and submit a screening form.
Given the limited supply of vaccine, we are not currently requesting forms from healthy family members ages 18 – 49. As vaccine becomes plentiful or we complete vaccination of all higher risk personnel, we will begin offering vaccine to all beneficiaries.
Thank you for your understanding and for helping us better serve the community.
Please return the completed questionnaire to AHC by February 9 through one of the secure means including encrypted DoD email at usarmy.stuttgart.id‐europe.list.covid‐vaccination@mail.mil, DoD SAFE at https://safe.apps.mil/, or in person at the Health Clinic’s Patient Records (PAD) section.
Patients will be contacted by Health Clinic staff when they are in their priority window.