EDIS offers child-development services

The Educational and Developmental Intervention Services Program at the U.S. Army Health Clinic Stuttgart provides early intervention services for children under three years old and related services for school-aged children.

Services are provided for families who have concerns about their child’s development in communication, physical (motor), social-emotional, cognitive, or adaptive (self-help) areas. These services are free to families whose children are entitled to attend Department of Defense Dependents Schools.     
Early Intervention services include developmental screenings and evaluations, speech services, motor services, special instruction and family training.

The EDIS Related Services staff works in collaboration with DODDS to provide educational services as well as medical evaluations to determine the impact of a diagnosis on a child’s classroom performance for children ages 3 and older. RS services include occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychological testing and audiological evaluations. Specialty appointments can also be coordinated with the EDIS medical consultant.  All requests for RS must be initiated by the DODDS Case Study Committee directly to EDIS.  

To make a referral for a child under age three, a parent can stop by EDIS, located in the Behavioral Health Clinic, Building 2996, Panzer Kaserne, or call EDIS at 431-2697/civ. 07031-15-2697. For Related Services, contact DODDS.